Personality type tool designs

Welcome to our personality type designs.

Personality type tool designs

This personality inventory is based on the psychological types described by Jung and developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Briggs to make the theory accessible to people.

The theory is that seemingly random variation in behavior is due to basic difference in individuals’ preferences for perception and judgement, resulting in 16 different personality types.

The original MBTI® assessment has spawned an endless array of imitators and innovators who have developed new assessments based on the 16-type system. 

The MBTI is a self-reported personality survey on respondents’ feelings and preferences.  Then you align yourself with one of the 16 MBTI personality types.

Each MBTI type has 4 letters:

  1. Either an I or an E letter initially. These need for having an /introverted or extroverted MBTI type respectively
  2. This first letter is then followed by either an S or letter N (sensibility/intuition), 
  3. Then a letter T or F for the thinking and the feeling MBTI types.
  4. And then finally either a letter P or a letter J or a P (judgment/perception). 

MBTI advantages

The main idea of knowing your MBTI type is that your raised self-awareness means you can match your behavioural responses:

  • To work more effectively on a team, especially in terms of dealing with conflict.

You can also communicate more effectively if you have a better idea of how people process what you tell them.

MBTI personality test tips

These are very useful for the above reason. We also offer other personality test tips.

Here are our OPQ personality test tips.

The MBTI is based on the work of Jung. Although he is more likely to have endorsed 3 personality styles (Extraversion- Introversion, Sensing-Intuitive, Thinking-Feeling). Rather than including the 4th personality styles measured by the MBTI (Judging-Perceiving).

It has considerable supporting materials in terms of books and different types of personality test report.

Personality type tests

MBTI Personality Type Test Tips

  • Firstly, the personality test questions in the MBTI are statement and word pairs. Word pairs are a less common form of psychometric test format than other commonly used personality test questions.
  • Secondly, employers are looking for certain personality traits in any role – as indicators of high job performance in key areas.
  • Also, since the MBTI is for development purposes – not selection – there is no need to consider faking it.
Personality type MBTI tips. Close up of eye.

Personality type tests

  • Extroversion: Introversion, shy, quiet, withdrawn, untalkative, inhibited, VERSUS extroversion, talkative, verbal, sociable, outgoing, dominant, assertive.
  • Agreeableness: Sympathetic, kind, warm, understanding, sincere, considerate, VERSUS self-centred, non-conformist, unsympathetic, unkind, harsh, insincere.
  • Conscientiousness: careful, organised, neat, orderly, systematic, precise, practical, VERSUS risk-taking, experimenting, disorganised, disorderly, careless, absent-minded.
  • Emotional stability: emotionally stable, un-envious, relaxed, optimistic, unemotional, VERSUS anxious, neurotic, nervous, tense, fidgety.
  • Intellect: creative, imaginative, complex, philosophical, intuitive, abstract thinking, open to experience, VERSUS uncreative, un-intellectual, unintelligent, shallow, ignorant, short-sighted, sensual, concrete thinking.

Personality type tests

Tips for INSIGHTS Personality type test

So, there’s another commonly used personality test with a similar type-based approach to the MBTI. This is called INSIGHTS. The test and the INSIGHTS report content are all based on the personality work of Jung which balanced personality traits or energies.

Unlike the MBTI, the INSIGHTS approach:

  • Is based on colour
  • Has the personality types displayed on the INSIGHTS Wheel in the INSIGHTS reports.

Psychometric insights for Personality type tests

There are valuable insights from ‘how’ a candidate plays a game or completes an assessment. For example, their response time or the choices they make.

Firstly, traditional assessment counts points scored. Secondly, new assessments like work style and game-based assessment collect many more data points. Thus providing so much more information to interpret.

Knowing not only what score a candidate achieved but how they went about it can help you to prevent cheating and spot potential.

Each candidate processes info in a unique way. Plus we all uniquely answer the online assessment. The candidate’s psychometric fingerprint’.

Personality type tests

Work Type Test

The popularity of RJPs has increased as employers recognise the importance of matching applicants’ expectations with the day-to-day realities of working life. Firstly, this realistic info improves the decisions an employer can make based on their applicant data. Secondly, it improves the role fit. Hence job satisfaction increases and employee attrition decreases.

More personality test tips

Here are our OPQ personality test tips, aptitude test tips and MBTI development tips for each MBTI type:

MBTI Personality type test