Welcome to our MBTI personality type ISFJ personality type tips.

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Intro to ISFJ personality type

How to spot the ISFJs at work

  • ISFJs are very interesting individuals: social introverts, both conservative and open to new ideas, sensitive but analytical, reserved but  great communicators.
  • Defenders are supportive, reliable, and patient. Defenders also tend to repress their feelings and take things too personally.
  • They are creative and love to help people, so they would excel in positions such as counselors, technical support, nurses, teachers, or interior designers.
  • Defenders are reliable and dedicated employees whose ultimate goal is putting good service. They don’t mind working hard as long as they know they’re appreciated and valued. Having a supportive team and a positive work environment is incredibly important to this type of person.
  • As they’re always willing to help and avoid conflict, they need to be careful to not get used.

 ISFJ Productivity Tips

  1. Give yourself credit, don’t downplay yourself and your accomplishments. Appreciating and respecting yourself will make others appreciate and respect you more. Not to mention their taps on the back will give you wind at the back and do your job even better.
  2. Don’t overload yourself, prioritize. Every day, choose up to 3 top tasks that need to get done and focus on them. Others are just a bonus.
  3. Have a to-do list or checklist. Defenders typically like structure so these types of lists help them stay on track, organized, and productive.
  4. Tracking your own time is the best way to see where your time goes and if there’s anything you can do to improve.
  5. Take regular breaks. Your brain can’t stay focused forever. Take time to clear your head: take a walk, clean, or take a nap.

How to spot the MBTI ISTF’s in a remote team?

  • ISFJ’s are the most extroverted of the introverts.
  • Typically, ISFJs prioritize harmony and co-operation, have a strong work ethic, and are sensitive to colleagues’ wishes and feelings.
  • But there is steel behind their zeal.
  • They tend to be extremely conscientious workers who are natural managers, capable of keeping remote teams bonded and happy.

Our ISFJ remote working tips 

The results of research into personality type and reactions to COVID (Hackston, 2020), personality type and the use of email (Hackston & Dost, 2016), personality type and the always-on culture (Blackburn & Rayner, 2019), and well-being in the workplace (Boult, Thompson, & Schaubhut, 2019) have been combined in order to produce personality-based guidelines for remote and hybrid working.

  • If you’re new to working from home, take some time to develop a routine that works for you

and your family (or anyone else who is important to you).

  • Set realistic expectations for yourself and others. Create a structure that allows you to meet your own practical needs and the needs of others.
  • Check in with family members and colleagues to find out what support they need from you.
  • Create a dedicated home office or working area where you won’t be interrupted by pets,

family, or housemates.

  • Use working at home as an opportunity to reflect and take stock of what’s important to you.

How best to work with ISFJ people 

  • According to the MBTI, ISFJs display incredible attention to detail.
  • Hence they’re great for checking over others’ work, editing shared documents, or looking over pitches and proposals at the final stage.
  • Also, most ISFJs love following rules and inspiring others to do the same.

ISFJ Well-Being Tips

  • During moments of high stress, you may be less warm and empathetic than usual.
  • You need quiet time alone to re-charge your batteries.
  • So, tune out of things or find yourself worrying about dozens of ominous possibilities.
  • Social interactions can be strained during this time.
  • Since you find it increasingly difficult to stay “checked in” to what’s happening around you.

Using MBTI types for entertainment only

Here for example are the MBTI Do forgive any resorting to stereotypes!

ISFJ – manzanita tree 

A textured outside. Peel it back, and be accosted by its unnaturally smooth and terrifying bark. 

ISFJ First Impressions

  • You have a warm and soothing presence, which helps people to relax and feel safe. You don’t seek attention but prefer deep one-on-one relationships.
  • People feel liberated when they’re around you because they don’t have to worry about being judged or competed against.
  • You’re a good listener who recognizes people’s experiences and emotions delicately. People see you as polite, approachable, and down-to-earth.

ISFJ personality type MBTI

How the MBTI defines Extroversion and Introversion

As the way you focus your efforts and thoughts:
– So if you’re more inclined to exert yourself toward things outside of yourself, including interacting with other people and exploring the world, you are likely an extravert. 
– Whereas preferring to focus internally; means you mainly devote your mental energy to the reflection and consideration of

  • ideas, 
  • beliefs and 
  • info

How the MBTI defines Sensing / Intuition

This is how you process information. So if you tend to…

  • process information based on what you can see..
  • or to experience directly or through facts, then you are a sensing individual. 
  • learn by assessing or instinct, then you are likely guided by intuition.

How the MBTI defines Thinking / Feeling

  • This relates to how you make decisions:
  • An individual with a thinking designation trusts in logic when making decisions. 
  • Whereas a feeling person is more likely to react to situations emotionally, allowing feelings to guide their decision-making process.

How the MBTI defines Judging / Perceiving

How much structure you like to have in your daily life:

  • When you place a priority on organization and long-term plans, that is an indication that you are a judging person.
  • Individuals who are more adaptable are considered to be perceiving

More ISFJ Development tips

Non ISFJ personality type tips 

Here are our OPQ personality test tipsaptitude test tips and MBTI development tips for each MBTI type:

ISFJ personality type tips