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MBTI ESFP personality type tips

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Intro to ESFP personality type

The main idea of knowing your MBTI type is that your raised self-awareness means you can match your behavioural responses:

  • To work more effectively on a team, especially in terms of dealing with conflict.
  • You can also communicate more effectively if you have a better idea of how people process what you tell them.

How to spot the ESFPs at work

  • An ESFP lives in the moment and loves being in the spotlight. What else could you expect from a personality type called an Entertainer? They are social butterflies with an eye for aesthetics.
  • Surprisingly to some, they are also very observant and willing to help others. On the other hand, ESFPs can be easily bored, conflict-averse, and too sensitive.
  • Entertainers would thrive in careers such as event planners, tour guides, personal coaches, and — of course — some kind of entertainers.
  • Entertainers don’t mind hectic, lively, and dynamic work environments — in fact, they prefer it. They enjoy working with people.
  • Since ESFPs are good at reading people, as well as motivating them, they would be great managers or team leaders.
  • Mundane, monotonous tasks are not their cup of tea. They are good at providing honest feedback, but not so good at receiving it.

ESFP Productivity Tips

  1. Schedule a day dedicated to planning. Entertainers don’t really like planning, but it’s often necessary to do so. You can pick one day in a week to finish all those unpleasant tasks, so you don’t have to worry about it every day, but you’ll also get it done. Win-win.
  2. Do the hardest task first. In the morning you have the most focus, so take advantage of that and do the hardest task you have within the first few hours of your workday.
  3. Batch similar tasks together to avoid losing focus. Every time you switch from one task to another, a different one, your brain needs some time to adjust to a different way of thinking. To avoid that, try batching similar tasks together.
  4. Don’t multitask. Since you like variety, you may be tempted to multitask, but try avoiding it. Doing tasks one by one makes you much more efficient.
  5. Avoid distractions. Phone notifications, talking, daydreaming, music: know what distracts you, and then take necessary steps to avoid it. Try to cancel the noise around you and put your phone on do not disturb to enter the deep work mode.

Our ESFP remote working tips 

  • Make the job interesting by involving and working with others.
  • Fill your day with a variety of people and tasks.
  • Set time aside each week when you won’t allow yourself to be distracted by people or conversation. Use this time to concentrate on the tasks you need to get done.
  • Try not to snack too much, overindulge in treats, or spend too long binge-watching TV streaming services.
  • In your leisure time, go dancing, play a team sport, or take part in other physically energetic activities involving people if you can.


ESFP MBTI remote worker personality types


How to spot the MBTI ESFP’s in a remote team?

  • ESFP’s are the life and soul of the workplace, this personality type likes to show up and show off.
  • They’re energetic, enthusiastic, and natural performers who often end up in creative or artistic professions.
  • But while they love the spotlight, they’re also sympathetic, warm, and generous.

According to the MBTI, the ESFP is your remote team IMPROVISER

How best to work with ESFP people? 

According to the MBTI, ESFPs typically enjoy entertaining others. Hence remote working can drain them when there’s little interaction with their team colleagues.

Wherever possible, get them involved in videos, voiceovers, podcasts, or any project that involves creative performance. They’ll also be superb in remote pitches, as they’ll bring a persuasive energy which could otherwise be lacking via computer screen.

ESFP Well-Being Tips

  • If you’re experiencing high levels of stress, you may become more scattered, anxious, and abrupt.
  • Your sense of humor might be more sarcastic than usual and your energy might seem more disjointed.
  • And your usual optimism might be replaced with negativity and apathy.

ESFP Type Tips

ESFP- mint 

Once you plant it, you can’t get rid of it. That’s kind of okay, because it’s fun. 

ESFP TYPE’S First Impressions

  • You have a warm, inviting presence that draws people in.
  • Your energy is upbeat and friendly and you know how to create a fun, casual atmosphere.
  • Because of this, you can sometimes come across as overly bubbly or easy-going to those who prefer a more subdued, formal social style.
  • That said, the spring in your step and your good sense of humor usually give you an aura of likability and charm.
  • Most people see you as energetic, expressive, and lively – as if you’re the person to be around when all the excitement happens.

ESFP personality type MBTI

How the MBTI defines Extroversion and Introversion

As the way you focus your efforts and thoughts:
– So if you’re more inclined to exert yourself toward things outside of yourself, including interacting with other people and exploring the world, you are likely an extravert. 
– Whereas preferring to focus internally; means you mainly devote your mental energy to the reflection and consideration of

  • ideas, 
  • beliefs and 
  • info

How the MBTI defines Sensing / Intuition

This is how you process information. So if you tend to…

  • process information based on what you can see..
  • or to experience directly or through facts, then you are a sensing individual. 
  • learn by assessing or instinct, then you are likely guided by intuition.

How the MBTI defines Thinking / Feeling

  • This relates to how you make decisions:
  • An individual with a thinking designation trusts in logic when making decisions. 
  • Whereas a feeling person is more likely to react to situations emotionally, allowing feelings to guide their decision-making process.

How the MBTI defines Judging / Perceiving

How much structure you like to have in your daily life:

  • When you place a priority on organization and long-term plans, that is an indication that you are a judging person.
  • Individuals who are more adaptable are considered to be perceiving

Some personality type comparisons

ESTPs are often perceptive and notice small changes or nuances in the moods and feelings of others. They are also confident and rely on their pragmatism to act and make decisions. More personality test tips

ESFPs are present-focused, conscientious, and enjoy spending time with others. 

ESFJs are extroverts who love spending time with others and gain a lot of energy by interacting with other people. 

ESFP, ESFJ, and ESTP personality type differences

  • ESFPs are known as “The Performer” and are known for being spontaneous, playful, and adaptable. They are also sensitive to how their decisions affect others and are always willing to help. 
  • ESFJs are known as “The Caregiver” or “The Consul” and are known for being loyal, organized, and tender-hearted. They are also natural caretakers who love to help and support others. 
  • ESTPs are known as “The Entrepreneur” and are known for being energetic, action-oriented, and resourceful. They are also natural risk takers who love using common sense to find smarter ways of doing things. 


  • Firstly, ESFP personality traits and ESFP personality type.
  • Secondly, Myers Briggs ESFP and ESFP test.
  • Third, ESFP people and ESFP types.
  • And then next, MBTI ESFP and esfp jobs.
  • Plus also, ESFP Myers Briggs and ESFP personality test.
  • And then next, Myer Briggs ESFP and personalities ESFP
  • Plus finally ESFP Career.

More personality test tips

ESFP MBTI type tips