Need useful ENFP MBTI personality tips?

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Intro to ENFP personality type

The MBTI is a self-reported personality survey on respondents’ feelings and preferences.  Then you align yourself with one of the 16 MBTI personality types.

Each MBTI type has 4 letters:

  1. Either an I or an E letter initially. These need for having an /introverted or extroverted MBTI type respectively
  2. This first letter is then followed by either an S or letter N (sensibility/intuition), 
  3. Then a letter T or F for the thinking and the feeling MBTI types.
  4. And then finally either a letter P or a letter J or a P (judgment/perception). 

The main idea of knowing your MBTI type is that your raised self-awareness means you can match your behavioural responses:

  • To work more effectively on a team, especially in terms of dealing with conflict.
  • You can also communicate more effectively if you have a better idea of how people process what you tell them.

How to spot the ENFPs at work

  • An ENFP is a charming, free-spirited, and energetic individual. They are curious and observant, and their openness and great communication skills help them always have a group of friends around them.
  • Campaigners can be highly emotional, which is both good and bad, depending on the situation. They also tend to overthink and get stressed easily.
  • Because of all of this, Campaigners typically thrive in environments where they can work with people and/or network. They also like challenges and constantly developing and improving themselves.
  • ENFPs don’t like strict rules and prefer exploring new alternatives; their growth-oriented mindset often impresses their superiors. They like brainstorming and listening to other people’s ideas as much as sharing their own. They love learning new things, but their interest can start fading as soon as they get a grip on it.
  • A Campaigner is a people person and their colleagues can become their friends too.
  • As a manager, ENFPs take the role of a leader rather than a superior, working alongside their subordinates and inspiring and motivating them if necessary.

ENFP Productivity Tips

Your biggest challenge is staying focused. Here’s how you can improve your focus and, consequently, your productivity:

  1. Write to-do lists. It’s best to write them the night before, so when you wake up you already know what you have to do and how your day is going to look like.
  2. Take regular breaks. Your brain can’t stay focused forever, and when it gets tired it searches for distractions. Take short breaks every 45-60 minutes to keep your mind fresh.
  3. Eliminate distractions. Speaking of distractions — be aware of what distracts you the most and make sure you get rid of it when you’re working.
  4. Live healthy — regular sleep, exercise, and nutritious food (especially healthy fats and fruit and vegetables such as berries and broccoli) can significantly help your brain focus more easily.
  5. Batch similar tasks together. When you switch to a task completely different from the one you were doing before, your brain has to adjust to a different way of thinking and loses some focus in the process. To minimize that, batch similar tasks together and do them one after another.

How to spot the MBTI ENFP’s in a remote team?

  • ENFP’s are perceptive people-pleasers who love to experiment and explore.
  • Campaigners have a strong, intuitive nature and like to be around others, operating from feelings above logic.
  • Crucially, they are motivated more by heartfelt goals than by money.

According to the MBTI, the ENFP is your remote team CAMPAIGNER

ENFP type tips for working in a team

How best to work with ENFP personality types

  • According to the MBTI, ENFPs typically excel at both idea-generation and collaborative projects, so they’d be a major asset in brainstorming sessions and any big picture thinking.
  • The most common ENFP weakness is not finishing things.
  • Obviously, this trait can make meeting deadlines a recurring problem – only exacerbated further by remote working.
  • The key here is using gentle nudges to maximize their high creative value.

Our ENFP remote working tips 

The results of research into personality type and reactions to COVID (Hackston, 2020), personality type and the use of email (Hackston & Dost, 2016), personality type and the always-on culture (Blackburn & Rayner, 2019), and well-being in the workplace (Boult, Thompson, & Schaubhut, 2019) have been combined in order to produce personality-based guidelines for remote and hybrid working.

  • Find some trusted colleagues you can share possibilities and ideas with online.
    • Immerse yourself in a creative work project.
    • Take a break from routine tasks to connect with people. You might also find it helpful to try mindfulness training or meditation.
    • Working from home means you can be flexible about where, when, and how you work—but remember to consider the working patterns of others before you contact them!
    • You might not always respond quickly to emails or messages from others (and that’s fine).
  • Remember that some people or situations may require a quicker response than usual.

ENFP Well-Being tips

  • If you’re feeling especially stressed, you may not seem as expressive and enthusiastic as usual.
  • In fact, you may seem more introverted, scattered, and anxious.
  • You still want to make a good impression on new people.
  • However, you may not be as open about how you feel or as excited to tell stories, crack jokes, or be in the middle of the commotion.

Using ENFP MBTI types for entertainment only

Here for example are the MBTI Do forgive any resorting to stereotypes!

ENFP – lily of the valley 

Beautiful. Smells amazing. Very poisonous. 

ENFP TYPE’S First Impressions

  • Energetic and friendly, you are a champion of individual expression.
  • You know how to make people feel included and your warm, enthusiastic greeting tends to put people at ease.
  • While some types keep their distance from new people, you’re usually someone who knows how to make eye contact, smile, and say a cheerful “Hello!”
  • Upon first meeting, most people think of you as being fun, friendly, open, energetic, and equipped with a good sense of humor.
  • They also get the feeling that you’re a non-judgmental person who’s okay with quirkiness and spontaneity.
  • Perhaps one of your most winning qualities is that many people feel like you won’t “judge them by their cover” or expect them to behave “by the book.”

How the MBTI defines Extroversion and Introversion

As the way you focus your efforts and thoughts:
– So if you’re more inclined to exert yourself toward things outside of yourself, including interacting with other people and exploring the world, you are likely an extravert. 
– Whereas preferring to focus internally; means you mainly devote your mental energy to the reflection and consideration of

  • ideas, 
  • beliefs and 
  • info

How the MBTI defines Sensing / Intuition

This is how you process information. So if you tend to…

  • process information based on what you can see..
  • or to experience directly or through facts, then you are a sensing individual. 
  • learn by assessing or instinct, then you are likely guided by intuition.

How the MBTI defines Thinking / Feeling

  • This relates to how you make decisions:
  • An individual with a thinking designation trusts in logic when making decisions. 
  • Whereas a feeling person is more likely to react to situations emotionally, allowing feelings to guide their decision-making process.

How the MBTI defines Judging / Perceiving

How much structure you like to have in your daily life:

  • When you place a priority on organization and long-term plans, that is an indication that you are a judging person.
  • Individuals who are more adaptable are considered to be perceiving

More ENFP themes

  • Firstly, ENFP personality traits and ENFP personality type.
  • Secondly, Myers Briggs ENFP and ENFP test.
  • Third, ENFP people and ENFP types.
  • And then next, MBTI ENFP and ENFP jobs.
  • Plus also, ENFP Myers Briggs and ENFP personality test.
  • And then next, Myer Briggs ENFP and personalities ENFP.
  • Plus finally ENFP Career.

More personality Type Tips

Here are our OPQ personality test tipsaptitude test tips and MBTI development tips for each MBTI type:

ENFP MBTI personality type tips