Need useful INTP MBTI personality tips?

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The MBTI is a self-reported personality survey on respondents’ feelings and preferences. Then you align yourself with one of the 16 MBTI personality types.

Each MBTI type has 4 letters:

  1. Either an I or an E letter initially. These need for having an /introverted or extroverted MBTI type respectively
  2. This first letter is then followed by either an S or letter N (sensibility/intuition),
  3. Then a letter T or F for the thinking and the feeling MBTI types.
  4. And then finally either a letter P or a letter J or a P (judgment/perception).

MBTI advantages

The main idea of knowing your MBTI type is that your raised self-awareness means you can match your behavioural responses:

  • To work more effectively on a team, especially in terms of dealing with conflict.
  • You can also communicate more effectively if you have a better idea of how people process what you tell them.

Stretching their brainpower by doing puzzles and crosswords.

INTP type tips


How to spot the MBTI INTPs in a remote team?

  • INTPs are renegade problem solvers who love patterns, are quick to notice discrepancies, and cherish competence and logic.
  • They thrive off being alone and will enjoy lockdown more than any other type.
  • Albert Einstein is the archetypal INTP.


How best to work with INTP personality type? 

  • According to the MBTI, most INTPs prefer having the freedom to do things in an original way, and to be listened to, because they come up with the smartest solutions.
  • The most common INTP weak spot is neglecting to share decisions and solutions, and that trait can become even more pronounced when working from home.
  • If there’s an INTP on your team, encourage them to use shared Google docs as much as possible.

INTP Well-Being tips

  • If you’re feeling extremely stressed, your physical and psychological composure might be compromised.
  • You’ll likely feel more scattered than thoughtful as anxiety overwhelms your ability to stay calm and collected.
  • Your eyes may dart around as you speak, making uncertain eye contact with people as you process their questions or comments.

INTP remote working tips

  • Don’t let yourself become isolated. Keep in touch with your family, friends, and colleagues.
  • Pay attention to your physical needs. Eat, drink, sleep, and get some exercise!
  • Take regular breaks away from your desk. You may find it helpful to walk around—especially when you need to be creative.
  • When you make a decision, let other people know—and tell them why you made it. It’s easy to forget this when you’re working remotely!
  • Try to avoid settling into too much of a routine. Break up your day and do something different from time to time.

INTP TYPE’S First Impressions

Because of your introverted, introspective nature, you’re likely to come off as reserved and somewhat mysterious. You:

  • Enjoy using your intellect to understand concepts and ideas in depth. So your first impression is that of a deep thinker who has insights into topics that others may not know about or fully appreciate.
  • Like to keep the pace slow and calm when speaking to people, making intermittent eye contact and pausing to process what’s being said.
  • Must have time to reflect on what people tell you and you appreciate it when others give you space to think and verbalize your thoughts.
  • Hate it when people try to finish your sentences or talk over you.
  • Overall, you seem friendly but reserved, and intelligent without appearing pompous.


  • INTPs can sometimes appear chiller than they actually are, but when it comes to relationships, they’re pretty similar to ENTPs. Logicians have extremely active minds, but if things feel tiresome or pointless, they tend to let them go rather than hold on to them unnecessarily. They may just be the most logical of all the personality types, so if something (or someone) isn’t making sense, they’re not going to fight to make it work.
  • MBTI relationships
  • Don’t get me wrong — INTPs take their relationships very seriously. But as those with this personality tend to be particularly direct and honest, they’ll work to create mutual understanding rather than trying to read their partner’s mind. For them, minimizing misunderstandings makes far more sense than playing games. They won’t waste their time trying to puzzle over their partner’s body language. After all, why stress when you can simply ask what’s up?
  • As wonderful as it can be to have a partner, being in a relationship can also come with its fair share of stressors. But if you’re one of those lucky few for whom dating doesn’t cause all that much stress, enjoy it — it will definitely save you lots of headaches along the way.

INTP personality type MBTI

How the MBTI defines Extroversion and Introversion

As the way you focus your efforts and thoughts:
– So if you’re more inclined to exert yourself toward things outside of yourself, including interacting with other people and exploring the world, you are likely an extravert. 
– Whereas preferring to focus internally; means you mainly devote your mental energy to the reflection and consideration of

  • ideas, 
  • beliefs and 
  • info

How the MBTI defines Sensing / Intuition

This is how you process information. So if you tend to…

  • process information based on what you can see..
  • or to experience directly or through facts, then you are a sensing individual. 
  • learn by assessing or instinct, then you are likely guided by intuition.

How the MBTI defines Thinking / Feeling

  • This relates to how you make decisions:
  • An individual with a thinking designation trusts in logic when making decisions. 
  • Whereas a feeling person is more likely to react to situations emotionally, allowing feelings to guide their decision-making process.

How the MBTI defines Judging / Perceiving

How much structure you like to have in your daily life:


  • Firstly, INTP personality traits and INTP personality type.
  • Secondly, Myers Briggs INTP and INTP test.
  • Third, INTP people and INTP types.
  • And then next, MBTI intp and INTP jobs.
  • Plus also, INTP Myers Briggs and INTP personality test.
  • And then next, Myer Briggs INTP and personalities INTP
  • Plus finally INTP Career.

More personality test tips

Here are our OPQ personality test tipsaptitude test tips and MBTI development tips for each MBTI type: