RAF psychometric test practice

Applying to the RAF this year, so get your top RAF psychometric test practice here! Applying to the RAF takes several months. The staged selection process involves interviews, a fitness test, and aptitude tests. Your tests depend upon your career choice.

Download below FREE sample RAF psychometric past papers.

BUY THE BEST AVAILABLE RAF test practice to guide your RAF application.

Top RAF psychometric test practice

Welcome to our RAF psychometric test practice resources. We hope you find our RAF practice aptitude tests particularly useful!Plus, most of our own free RAF Test Practice resources in the following sections are very easy to download.

RAF application query?

Then ask Rob,  our in-house  expert RAF aptitude test specialist. Ask any RAF question by emailing passedpapers@gmail.com. An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests. Rob has consulted for many of the top school entrance test publishers, including the ISEBCambridge Assessment ; Hodder Education, and GL Assessment.We highly recommend exploring the test practice packs offered by Job Test Prep.

Armed Forces aptitude test prep

How to Pass Army Aptitude Tests and Army aptitude test practice.

Our Navy Aptitude Test Practice.

Free RAF Aptitude Test Practice

Here is our Numerical Reasoning Practice Test for the RAF. Next, here are the Answers. Secondly, her’s our Numerical Reasoning Practice Test 2 for the RAF, and then next the answers: Answers for RAF practice Test 2.

Our free literacy practice tests

Here is our Practice Literacy Test.

Free RAF Literacy Skills Test Practice

Firstly, LITERACY Practice Questions –Secondly, LITERACY Practice Test Type 2 Questions.Thirdly, LITERACY Practice Test Type 3 Questions.Fourthly, LITERACY Practice Test Type 4 Questions.

RAF Officer Graduate Entrance – Key Points

Categories of RAF jobs available include
    • Aircrew (weapon systems officer, RPAS, pilot),
    • Intelligence (intelligence analyst, photographer),
    • Force protection (RAF Police, RAF Regiment officer),
    • Logistics,
    • Air operations support, and
    • Medical support (RAF medic, pharmacy technician).

Ranking RAF positions

The three ranking structures are officers, non-commissioned aircrew, and airmen and airwomen. RAF officers are responsible for carrying out specialist ground support or flying duties.Interested candidates are required to apply online after deciding a suitable role for themselves. The recruitment process entails seven steps: a RAF aptitude test, health assessment, selection interviews, fitness test, pre-recruit training, acceptance, and final training.RAF’s apprenticeship is another way of entry into the RAF. Individuals can use this route to reach positions of cyberspace communication, specialist, aircraft technician, survival equipment specialist, and RAF regiment gunner.Career progression depends on experience; for instance, RAF officers can move up the ranks from pilot officer to flight lieutenant as they grow more adept in their position. In addition, RAF officer can enter into a wide variety of careers after leaving the force depending on training, qualifications, and skills acquired during the service.

RAF application process

    • As with Navy Officer recruitment – many graduates join the RAF as trainee officers.
    • Applicants for an officer role need to pass many stages including passing medical, eye and fitness tests before the RAF Officer training can commence.
Joining the RAF and secondly, the RAF application process.

RAF verbal reasoning example questions

Instructions – Find the word that is in the wrong column.DOWN       TAILSLUNG       NOONKEY             FIVEJUMP         WAYCHAIRInstructions – Which word is the Odd One Out?TOPS     PAST      POTS     STOPInstructions – Which word can be placed in front of these three words to create a new word?
    • LANCE     KING          ABLE
Answers to RAF verbal reasoning items:PASTPAR

Airmen / Airwomen Recruit Test Pass Mark

So once your AFCO has received your application, you will be invited in to sit the AST. The AST is a test compromising these RAF aptitude tests:
    • Verbal Reasoning (15 mins for 20 questions).
    • Numerical Reasoning Part 1 (4 mins for 12 questions).
    • Part 2 (11 mins for 15 questions).
    • Work Rate (4 mins for 20 questions).
    • Spatial Reasoning Part 1 (4 mins for 10 questions).
    • Part 2 (3 mins for 10 questions).
    • Electrical Comprehension (11 mins for 21 questions).
    • Mechanical Comprehension (10 mins for 20 questions).
    • Memory Test Part 1 and Part 2. Each Memory Test has 10 video-based questions.


You’ll be invited in for a presentation, and a chance to make sure you have all of the required documents and qualifications needed for your role. The presentation isn’t life-changing but definitely worth paying attention and taking some notes. You won’t be tested on anything at this point. At the end of this presentation, you’ll be given dates of your CBAT testing. This is where things get interesting.You’ll be invited to RAF Cranwell the day before your testing date. How you get there is up to you, both times I travelled by train, paid for by my AFCO of course. The journey isn’t too bad, was a 4-hour train journey for me via London.

Free RAF aptitude test practice

You must collect your room key and head on to your room to drop off your things. Besides a quick briefing letting you know plans for the morning, the evening time is your own.So you’ve woken up at 0600. You’ll head into the OASC centre, and be given a quick brief about what to expect and what you’ll be doing.

CBAT Testing (for certain RAF Officer roles)

The CBAT tests are NOT fun. They’re not in the slightest bit enjoyable and they will test you. 6 hours of solid testing with only one lunch break, and several 5 minute breaks in-between. I suggest making the most of these breaks and drinking water like a camel. The CBAT is composed of a variety of different tests to assess your mental aptitude.The majority of these tests you can’t really prepare for as, unfortunately, they’re mostly a “You either have it or don’t” situation.. Memory, spatial awareness etc, but you can gain as much of a boost as you can by practising mental maths, and practising aptitude tests online can never hurt. Oh and one more thing, SPEED, DISTANCE, TIME. You’ll be doing a hell of a lot of SDT questions so I suggest knowing the equations like the back of your hand.So you’re back home after your ordeal and you’re either happy or not. I’m going to talk about what happens if you’re happy. You’ll be contacted by your AFCO and you’ll be invited in for your filter interview. This will take place at your local AFCO with the NCO.

Your RAF Filter interview

Your interview will consist of two halves. One is about you and the other being about the RAF. The first half is where you sell yourself.Then the second half is what you can prepare for. They WILL grill you, you really need to prepare for this or you just simply won’t succeed. I’m not going to do the research for you, but you’ll need to know about;

Our Top RAF application tips

    • In the RAF Verbal Reasoning Test Instructions, you advised of these steps: firstly, you will be presented with an introductory passage. This passage comprises of one to three sentences followed by a number of statements.
    • Read the passage. Then decide which answer option is correct. The real test has twenty questions. You have fifteen minutes. That’s four questions on average every three minutes. We, therefore, advise that when you practice your time yourself. Keep asking yourself, how close am I to achieving this benchmark?
    • Finally, whilst the test is challenging in our opinion you can pass if you practice enough with the right type of RAF aptitude test practice materials.

Free RAF aptitude test practice

Rob Williams
Ask ROB (expert test developer) your questions by emailing rrussellwilliams@hotmail.co.ukAn Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests. Rob has worked for the school entrance test publishers ISEB and GL – as well as the leading global psychometric test publishers including SHL, Kenexa IBM, MBTI, CAPP and SOVA Assessment.

RAF Training

After your interview, you’ll sit in at your AFCO for around 20 minutes whilst being assessed and reviewed, and then you’ll be told whether you’re successful or not there and then!


The medical will change depending on your chosen role, but they all involve:
    • Sent off to a civilian doctor.
    • Have a basic hearing and vision test, followed by a test of lung capacity and heart.
    • Be weighed and measured.
    • Stripped down to your pants and socks and made to squat, walk around on your heels.


This is what separates the men from the boys. This will really determine your future in the RAF. You’ll be invited up to RAF Cranwell for 3 days of leadership testing, problem-solving, and planning exercises.You also take a fitness assessment involving a MSFT and press-ups and sit-ups. I think you have to pass every part of OASC or you’ll be sent home? Someone will have to confirm that for me. What I do know, however, is that you’ll have to sit a Final Interview in front of the OASC board, following the same sort of pattern as your filter, only much much more detailed and grilling.

Your RAF Interview

    • Show dedication and willingness to learn.
    • Know why you want to join the RAF. You should have read up on the RAF in advance and have prepared a suitable answer(s).

RAF pilot aptitude test

RAF Medical

The medical will change depending on your chosen role, but they all have the same sort of basis:
    • Be sent off to a civilian doctor.
    • Have a basic hearing and vision test.
    • Followed by a test of lung capacity and heart.
    • Then be weighed and measured.


The PRTC is familiarising RAF Officer recruits with RAF Halton. In other words, what would be your phase one training? This is where you will do your second and final fitness test before RTS, only this time it compromises of a bleep test instead of a timed run. A bleep test or ‘shuttle run’ means running in-between two cones 20 meters apart. You must hit each cone before the bleep. The bleeps gradually get closer and closer until you are unable to hit the next cone.There are also various literacy and numeracy tests. However, these are easier than the Airwoman / Airman Selection Tests. You’ll also do functional skills examinations.The official RAF website has some useful PRTC info.


This is the last hurdle of your application process. You should feel proud to get this far. Do not get complacent though. Since you could still fail at this final hurdle.The interview lasts around 20 minutes and covers everything you’ve covered in your previous interviews. It’s conducting by your Commanding Officer. As with your previous interview, ensure that you dress to impress).

RAF pilot aptitude test


AFCO = Armed Forces Careers Office. Your local careers office in which you’ll start your journey.AST = Airmen Selection Test. The test all airmen trades will have to complete in order to progress. Taken at your local AFCO.CBAT = Computer Based Aptitude Test. A computer-based selection test all Officer/NCO/Aircrew applicants will have to complete in order to progress. Taken at RAF Cranwell.OASC = Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre. Based at RAF Cranwell, this is your stepping stone for all Officer/Aircrew applications.NCO = Non-commissioned officer. Self-explanatory really..WSOp = Weapons System Operator. An aircrew role in the RAF.NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Google it, you’ll need to know.SDT = Speed, Distance, Time. Maths equation.MSFT = Multi-Stage Fitness Test. Bleep test in simpleton terms.PRTC = Pre-recruit training course. 3 days in Halton before your basic training.RTS Halton = Recruit Training Squadron Halton. Your basic training.PJFT = Pre-joining fitness test.ABM = Aerospace Battle Manager.IOT = Initial Officer Training.OC = Officer Commanding.

Our Practice Aptitude Tips Dos and Don’ts

Practice Aptitude Tips Dos

√          Practice right up to the day before you are going to be taking your test. Just as top tennis players practice their serve and strokes before each and every match, you need to keep practicing for as long as you can.√          Study the format of the questions that you will be taking and focus your initial practice sessions on these questions.√          Continue practicing with questions of a similar format and difficulty level. If you are comfortable doing more difficult questions, challenge yourself by working forwards in this book; attempt the preceding questions if you need practice with easier questions.√          Use all other opportunities for practice that come your way. Look up new words in the dictionary. Read the more difficult parts of the newspaper that you normally ignore or immediately throw away.√          Focus on understanding why you keep getting particular questions wrong and on avoiding any common mistakes.

Practice Aptitude Tests Dont’s

X         Think that buying a more erudite newspaper, a dictionary (or even a thesaurus) is going to make an immediate difference. You need to use such tools proactively over a period of time.X Just read the strategies and decide that that is exactly what you are going to do on the day – you will have forgotten them by then. To embed the strategies as part of your test-taking approach you need to apply them to the practice questions in this book.X  Don’t think that merely improving your vocabulary will be sufficient to pass some of the more difficult verbal reasoning tests. Yes, you do need to understand all the words when reading a passage. But for certain tests you also need to be able to step back and to interpret what the passage or the paragraph as a whole is saying.

Maths Test Tips / Numeracy Test tips

Although you may not finish the test, the best strategy is to answer as many questions as you can in the time available.
  • Before deciding upon your final answer, you may be able to rule out one or two of the multiple choice questions as incorrect.
  • Read each question and review each chart very carefully – taking one chart and its associated questions at a time. Only start looking at the answer options once you have done this.
  • Ensure that you are aware of the units of measurement that each question is referring to.
  • Each question is worth the same so don’t spend too long on a single question. Remember that you may find subsequent questions easier to answer and that if there is time at the end of the test you can return to any unfinished questions.
  • Work efficiently, but do not rush. Although you may not finish the test, the best strategy is to answer as many questions as you can in the time available.
  • Remember to only use the information that is provided in the charts and not any of your own background knowledge.
  • Round up any decimal points and any pence (whilst taking account of any specific instructions provided).

Our numeracy test practice

This is our Numerical Reasoning Practice Test for your free practice. And here are the respective numerical reasoning online practice test answers.Also, our Mental Arithmetic Practice Test for your practice. And here are the respective Mental Arithmetic practice test answers.

How to do well on verbal reasoning tests

These come in many different types of format. The traditional comprehension format is to have a short text passage followed by a series of questions about facts, opinions, conclusions from the passage content. A bit like those English tests in primary school where you answered questions on a novel extract. Regardless of the type of test, it’s vital to remember:
  • To carefully read each question. Often questions hinge on 1-2 keywords so you must take more care to interpret these accurately.
  • If questioned whether something “always” applies whilst the passage states that it is “sometimes” the case, then this is a false interpretation.
  • One useful strategy is to scan the passage initially, then to read it in more detail.
  • It’s more efficient as you answer each question if you can recall roughly where to find the answer in the passage.

RAF psychometric test practice