How to improve your child’s 13 plus test score using our top 13 plus practice tests and 13 plus past papers.

This is the best 16 plus practice tests to optimize your private school entry prep.

Why is the above the best 16 plus test practice?

Three reasons to buy the above Exam Papers Plus 16 plus practice tests

  • As excellent replica versions of real 16+ prep school entry tests, these represent THE BEST PRACTICE for 16+ exams. Using these will help build the necessary exam-taking confidence to face all kinds of 16 plus test questions.
  • We recommend these for many reasons. In particular, because they include all 16 plus subjects; are READY FOR DOWNLOAD immediately after purchase; and provide unlimited 16 plus test practice access for two years.
  • BUYING THE 16 plus test bundle is your best option in our opinion. Since this provides the multiple 16+ practice papers your child needs to achieve their full 16 plus exam passing potential. It thereby allows for your last couple of remaining 16+ practice papers to be used as 16+ mock exams.

More FREE 16 plus entry test resources

If these free 16+ exam prep past papers are not in fact you need, then you can try searching all of our extensive School Entrance exam practice tests here.

THE LATEST 16 plus English past papers

FROM 2023 Sciences 16+ past exam prep

LATEST 16 plus Humanities past papers

RECENT 16 plus Languages past papers

Practice papers 16 plus

Misc 16+ past entry papers

How do you know your child will pass their 16+ exam?

Once your child’s 16+ practice test performance has improved sufficiently, then use one of your remaining 16+ practice tests from your 16+ practice test bundle as a mock 16+ exam. Is your child’s  10+ score high enough to pass their 16 plus prep school exam.

Rob Williams

Ask ROB (expert test developer) your questions by emailing

An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Rob Williams is a Chartered Psychologist with over 25 years of experience working and designing tests.

Our Selective school 2024 test practice guides

16 plus past papers

Biology 16+ past papers 2016,  2015 and  2013.

16+ Chemistry (St Edward’s 2016)
Chemistry 16 plus 2015
16+ Chemistry 2013

Critical Reasoning 16 plus (Emanuel)

16+ Economics 2016
Economics 2015
16+ Economics 2013

16+ English – Essay (Emanuel 2013)
English 16 plus 2016
16+ English 2015
English 2013-14

16+ Past Papers English

16+ English as an Additional Language 2016
English as an Additional Language 2015
16+ English as an Additional Language 2013

French 2016
16+ French 2015
French 2013

16+ Geography 2016
Geography 2015
16+ Geography 2013

German 2013

16+ History 2016
History 2015
16+ History 2013

Latin 2016

16+ Latin 2013

16+ Past Papers Maths

16+ Maths 2016
Maths 2015
16+ Maths 2013

Physics 2016
16+ Physics 2015
Physics 2013

16+ Religious Studies 2016
Religious Studies 2015
16+ Religious Studies 2013

Spanish 2015
16+ Spanish 2013

ISEB Pre-Tests Guides for Parents

Click these ISEB inks for:

…searching your local schools which use the  ISEB Common Pretest.

…downloading this excellent ISEB introductory guide  ISEB Pre Tests Parents Guide