How to use our UKiSET practice tests to improve your child’s UKiSET test score
You can find a full range of UKiSET test practice papers from UKiSET 11+ to UKiSET 16+ by accessing our links below.
Our RECOMMENDED UKiSET test practice
UKiSET tutors and UKiSET test-takers can find THE BEST available UKiSET test practice resources.
We recommend buying the above UKiSET test prep to ensure your actual UKiSET exam day goes as smoothly as possible. Aim to maximize the UKiSET learning benefits of each UKiSET revision sessions. That way you will grow your range of UKiSET skills and achieve your full UKiSET potential.
What do the three UKiSET subtests assess ?
- UKiSET Reasoning test.
- Cambridge English Placement UKiSET.
- UKiSET English essay.
How long does the UKiSET take?
The test takes approximately 2 hours. The difficulty increases according to the age of the students.
Students above 16 may take longer to complete.
Which are the UKiSET private schools?
The UKiSET is used by these leading private schools across the UK:
- Eton College
- Felsted School
- Framlingham College
- Glenalmond College
- Harrogate Ladies’ College
- Leighton Park School
- Loughborough Grammar School
- Marlborough College
- Oakham School
UKiset exam practice
Section 1 UKiset has three reasoning tests:
- UKiSET Verbal reasoning (using problems using words and language)
- Non-verbal reasoning UKiSET (solving problems using pictures, diagrams and patterns)
- UKiSET Quantitative reasoning (solving problems using mathematical skills)
UKiSET Section 2 – Cambridge English Placement Test
The second section of the UKISET is the Cambridge English Placement Test. This assesses:
- Reading
- Listening
- Use of English (Vocabulary, spelling and grammar)
UKISET Section 3 – English Essay
The third section of the UKISET is the English Essay. The UKISET’s English Essay is a handwritten assessment. This involves:
– Writing on a topic given to the UKISET test-taker on the UKISET testing day.
- The third English Essay section of the U?KISET lasts for approximately 30 mins.
- The number of words required varies by year. So, for year 7 it is 150 words; for year 8 (180 words); Year 9 (200 words); 10 (250 words); Year 11 (300 words); and for Year 12 (350 words).
UKISET Sample Question
1. How many triangles are shown here?

How Do I Prepare for the UKiset test?
- Reading books and Listening audio books to help expand vocabulary and improve comprehension, and critical thinking skills.
- Exercising mathematical logics for the quantitative reasoning tests to increase the accuracy and confidence.
- Practicing short essays on a wide range of topics.
- Encourage yourself to express and justify opinions in English.
More UKISET practice tests
What counts as a good UKiset score depends greatly on the school a candidate is applying to attend, and also varies according to the three sections of the test. The following points can act as a rough guide.
UKiset Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning and Maths Scores:
For these sections of the UKiset, candidates scores are standardised against tens of thousands of British students of the same age in the state and independent school sectors.
The Standard Age Score (SAS) is based on the number of questions answered correctly, the average score for students in UK independent schools is 111.
Different schools will expect different scores. The more academically selective a school is the higher their SAS expectation is likely to be. The top schools are likely to require in excess of 125+ average standardised test score.
It is always worth noting that two average Standardised Age Scores are given to schools, one overall average and one that excludes the Verbal Reasoning Score. This is to ensure that a candidate’s level of English does not unduly affect the overall score in this section.
UKiset Reading and Listening score
For this component of the UKiset, students are given an English CEFR level. Most schools will be looking for a minimum of B2 score.
Essay Writing score
This is marked by schools themselves and they will have varying expectations of what counts as a ‘good’ mark or score.