11 plus verbal reasoning practice

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11 Plus Verbal Reasoning Test practice Examples

Practice 11 Plus Verbal Reasoning Test Instructions

Read the passage. To each question, answer TRUE, FALSE or CANNOT TELL using only the information given in the passage. Answer TRUE if the statement is true or follows on logically from the passage. FALSE if the statement is false. Answer CANNOT TELL if there is insufficient information given in the passage.

Practice 11 Plus Verbal Reasoning Test PASSAGE

The Far Eastern practical philosophy of Confucianism did not begin as a religion and, unlike religious institutions, does not have a clergy or church associated with it. It has been followed for two millennia in China and was the state orthodoxy until the Chinese Revolution in 1911. Whilst it is not an organised religion, Confucianism has still been hugely influential on East Asian spiritual and political life.

Confucious taught a way of living one’s life through adopting moral values as the basis for political and social actions, firmly focusing on one’s family foundations within the community. There are two ethical divisions in Confucianism: the first derives from Confucious himself, and values following conventional codes of behaviour; the second strand came from medieval neo-Confucians’ belief in following one’s moral intuitions.

  • An ethical division in Confucianism was created.

Firstly, False.

  • The religion of Confucianism has been practiced in China for hundreds of years.

Secondly, True – the passage states that Confucianism has been followed for two millennia in China.

  • Confucianism is a religion that values the family over the community.

Thirdly, Cannot Tell. The passage states that Confucianism values both.

  • Confucianism is both a religion and a system of philosophy.

Finally, True. This is logical based upon the passage.

Practice 11 Plus Verbal Reasoning Test Passage II

The ancients had many ingenious methods for measuring time. Water clocks, for example, were used in ancient Greek and Rome to time orators’ speeches. One version comprised of pouring water in to a hollow cylinder or glass jar; allowing this to flow through and referring to the measuring lines to establish the extent of time that had passed. Sundials are another early form of clock. They consist of a central stylus that uses the Sun’s rays to cast a shadow on to a horizontal dial plate and hence to show the local Sun time.

As with water clocks, sundials needed to be calibrated in order to show the passage of time. Prior to the development of sun dials, stones or poles could be placed in the ground. Ancient Egyptian obelisks and pyramids were used to tell the time from the passage of the sun.

  •  Ancient Egyptians calibrated sundials in a similar fashion to water clocks.

Cannot Tell.

  • Upright stones were just one forerunner of sun dials.

Secondly, True. Prior to the development of sun dials, stones or poles could be placed in the ground.

  •  The primary use for water clocks was to time speeches.

Cannot Tell. The first sentence does not clarify the primary purpose.

  • Water clocks were only used in ancient Greece and Rome.

Finally, CT. The second sentence does not state that they were only used there.

Practice 11 Plus Verbal Reasoning Test Passage III

Whereas invertebrates have an external exoskeleton, vertebrates have an internal endoskeleton. The human endoskeleton comprises cartilage and the body’s 206 bones. These are connected to each other by ligaments. It protects and supports the body’s internal organs. Also, the human endoskeleton also works in conjunction with muscles, joints and nervous system to enable movement.

Joints occur between bones, making the skeleton flexible by acting as hinges or pivots. Tendons attach muscles to bones and contract in response to a stimulus from the body’s nervous system. Those muscles that are under conscious control, the skeletal muscles, act by pulling against the bones of the skeleton.

  •  Physical activity requires the muscles and bones to synchronise.

True. See 3rd sentence.

  •  The human endoskeleton provides connection points for the body’s muscles.

Secondly, True.

  •  The human skeleton is mainly bone.


  •  Unlike invertebrates, humans have an internal exoskeleton.

Finally, False. Humans have an internal endoskeleton as specified in the first and second sentences.

Practice 11 Plus Verbal Reasoning Test Passage IV

Many people misunderstand colour. What is it that makes actors relax in green rooms? In fact the sensation of colour is a consequence of the human eye reacting differently to different wavelengths of light. Thus colour is not actually the property of an object.

An object that absorbs all light wavelengths appears black, whilst one that reflects all wavelengths is white. Different colours have different associations within different cultures. Within Western cultures the meanings of colours have also changed over time.

  • Black objects reflect all light wavelengths.

Firstly, False. White objects reflect all light wavelengths.

  • Colour is a ubiquitous sensation.

Secondly, True.

  • Every culture perceives green as a relaxing colour.

Lastly, CT.

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