How to improve your child’s ISEB test scores

ISEB pre-test practice tests

Download below the best ISEB practice tests. These are specially designed to optimize your private school ISEB entry prep. We offer accurate ISEB pre tests for all pupil ages.

Improve your ISEB test prep with our extensive ISEB past papers.


Our top passing ISEB pre-tests tips, incl ISEB’s own practice pre-tests

  1. Your first step is always to check which private school entry test your chosen schools use. In this case that the ISEB Common Pre-test is part of the private school’s entry requirements. This is increasingly the case. Parents can search the ISC independent schools list to find more info on their specific private school’s entry requirements.
  2. This is also an ISEB familiarisation test available on the same ISEB common pre-tests introductory website. This demonstrates the look and feel of the tests.
  3. ISEB pre-tests practice test is worth reviewing as your next step. This will familiarise your child with the ISEB sub-test formats.

What is the ISEB pre-test?

The Independent Schools Examination Board (the ISEB) designs the Common Entrance exam assessments.

As used in Year 8 (or Year 6 for 11+) and the Common Pre-Test used by the independent school sector.

The Common pre-test is commonly adopted by many senior schools who do not which to design their own school entrance exam. It consists of four adaptive, multiple choice, online tests:

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning,
  • Verbal Reasoning,
  • English and
  • Maths.

Key dates for the ISEB Common Entrance Pre-tests

  • Registration for the 2024-25 academic year starts from 10 June 2024.
  • ISEB Common Entrance Pre-tests REGISTRATION here.
  • Live ISEB Pre-Tests starts on 3 September 2024.

What are the ISEB Common Entrance Pre-tests?

The key features of the ISEB Common Entrance Pre-tests are:

  1. Multiple choice, adaptive private school admissions tests.
  2. Cover four ISEB sub-tests:
  • English ISEB pre-test
  • Mathematics ISEB pre-test
  • Verbal reasoning ISEB pre-test
  • Non-verbal reasoning ISEB pre-test

The above ISEB sub-tests can be taken

  • On the same day or across multiple days.
  • At the pupils’ current junior/prep school,
  • The senior private school they are applying for
  • Or, globally, at an approved independent test centre.

Key ISEB pre-tests features

  • ISEB pre-tests results are made available to senior private schools immediately.
  • The same indepednet school admin portal allows these results to be shred with other private schools
  • Hence ISEB test-takers only need to sit the ISEB pre-tests once.
  • ISEB common entrance pretests are normed to ensure the ISEB results can be standardised for the private school sector.

Which ISEB pretests preparation materials are available?

The ISEB provides a range of free and premium pre-tests prep materials.

These are to support parents and ISEB pupils.


Download ISEB pretests introductory guide  ISEB Pre Tests Parents Guide.

Key features of Common entrance 13 plus

Our Common Entrance (CE) at 13+ assessments contain three compulsory papers: English, mathematics and science. In addition, it is hoped that candidates will attempt papers in a wide range of subjects chosen from French, geography, German, Classical Greek, history, Latin, TPR and Spanish. Usually, senior schools expect the majority of candidates to offer geography, history, TPR and a language. 

The CE examination is:

  • Flexible enough to allow candidates from schools which do not prepare pupils for the traditional range of CE subjects to offer a reduced number of papers. Additionally, core subjects – most modern languages, Latin and Classical Greek – are offered at more than one level. Candidates are not expected to tackle papers beyond their ability.

What are the ISEB 13 plus sub-tests?

The private schools themselves deterine which 13 plus levels are set for each of the three sub-tests:

  • 13 plus English,
  • mathematics 13 plus, and
  • 13 plus science.

Such key info is then shared with applicant prep schools.

Private school application tips

For example, with sixth from applications there is no limit to how many sixth form colleges you can apply to. Whereas, primary school applications:

  1. Depending on your local authority you can submit between three and six school preferences.
  2. Primary school places are then allocated by the school’s governing body, an academy trust or the local authority.
  3. Each primary school will have its own admissions criteria. This must be within the national framework for primary school entry. Hence, on school offer day parents will be offered only one primary school place for their child.
  4. Then shortlist all those schools you and your child like. Consider all those schools falling within your catchment area. You now have a shortlist of schools which can review at your leisure.
  5. Provided this is a relatively short list, then visit each school for yourself and your child.
  6. Check the latest Ofsted reports for each school. Prepare questions on any school topic that is unclear. Do you have any reservations? Why can’t you see your child at this school.
  7. Such introspective self questioning will help you to prepare questions for school open day visits.
  8. When attending a school open day, ask yourself whether the school atmosphere and ethos are a good fit for your child.
  9. We certainly recommend shortlisting schools based on national standard statistics. More specifically, the percentage of students meeting the expected standards. For example if the national standard is 60%, then you need to check whether each of your selected schools exceeded that in their latest Ofsted inspections.

Pre-Tests walk-through

  1. TOP non-verbal reasoning practice papers for independent school entry.
  2. RECOMMENDED Maths practice papers school entry.
  3. BEST verbal reasoning practice papers school entry.
  4. RECOMMENDED English practice papers independent school entry.