Here’s our high performing teams assessment.

Our high performing teams assessments

LANE4 (now EY) – High performing teams research and psychometric recommendations

Saberr scale up – High performing teams and Psychometric consultancy project

Our other psychometric test design specialisms

Bespoke graduate assessment designs

Designing graduate psychometric tests is our speciality. With a bespoke psychometric test, organisations can design the content of their test(s) to match their own industry sector.

Verbal reasoning test practice for graduates

  • Customer service roles

Effective oral communication is the key to handling customer queries or sales calls. Talking to customers on the phone or face to face demands a flexible communication style. For example, telesales personnel would be expected to respond differently to a customer who was complaining than to one who was a prospective sale. Persuasive presentation skills also rely upon a solid foundation of verbal reasoning skills.

Graduate Verbal reasoning test practice

  • PA or administrative roles

A PA’s responsibilities typically include written correspondence. For example, letters and emails, which need to use an appropriate tone and level for the intended audience. Administrative roles also need to check written documents. Also, to file these accurately. Plus, to keep on top of plans and procedures that have been agreed orally or in writing.

Verbal reasoning practice tests for graduates

  • Sales roles

Effective oral communication is the key to converting sales call prospects. In particular, sales roles in call centres which require an even more fluent style of communication style.

Graduate assessment design

At a time when the graduate market is at its most competitive it pays for all graduates to perform their best on these psychometric tests. It makes sense to be prepared. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of practice material available, allowing graduates to familiarize themselves with the sort of tests they’ll encounter as part of the recruitment process.

Graduate recruiters who want to minimise recruitment costs see online ability tests as an efficient and effective means of sifting the initial applicant pool. Verbal and numerical reasoning tests offer a reliable and standardised way to ensure that an optimal number of good candidates are seen by the business at the much more expensive ‘face-to-face’ stage. Chances are that this next stage will involve a retest in order to verify that the candidate who took the online test was who they said they were!

Verbal reasoning test practice for Graduate trainees

Recent graduates who have just started working on a training scheme will apply their verbal reasoning skills whenever they interact or correspond with other members of staff. They need to match their verbal communication to different levels of seniority and adjust their communication style to suit the formality of the meeting or event. Graduates may also need to prepare business reports. These should not read like an essay!

Managerial Verbal reasoning test practice

Most managers will need to use higher levels of verbal reasoning when reading or preparing reports. They need to be able to adapt their spoken and written communication style to the situation, whether addressing their subordinates or customers/ clients. Other company reporting procedures, such as appraisals, also require clearly written documentation.

Senior managers and directors will need to use the highest levels of verbal reasoning skills when analysing company reports, dealing with compliance issues and statutory obligations. Here there is a need for concise and accurate communication.

Graduate assessment design

  • Consistency, fairness and objectiveness are the key to effective graduate assessment.
  • Graduate recruiters who want to minimise recruitment costs see online ability tests as an efficient and effective means of sifting the initial applicant pool.
  • Verbal and numerical reasoning tests are the most commonly used online sifts.
  • Passing usually leads to an assessment centre. Here, at that this next stage graduates are often retested. This is to verify that the candidate who took the online test was who they said they were!

Graduate jobs search

Online testing is particularly attractive for the ease with which multinational organisations can offer the same test(s) in a wide range of different languages to graduates around the world. The use of standardised tests in the recruitment process helps to ensure that applicants from different countries and from different ethnic groups are treated fairly.

We believe in the benefits of practice and ensuring fairness in testing. We therefore offer some practice aptitude tests and some practice psychometric tests. The intention is to promote as ‘level a playing-field’ as possible.

Aptitude test solutions

Our consultancy work focuses on aptitude test practice and bespoke psychometric test design. We believe in the benefits of practice and ensuring fairness in testing. We therefore offer some practice aptitude tests and some practice psychometric tests. The intention is to promote as ‘level a playing-field’ as possible.

Internship guide. Young people with laptops sitting around a table.

Graduate tests

Aptitude test design – Employability

All of our psychometric test practice resources are free. So, we hope you enjoy using them!   In our opinion, there is plenty of the right type of aptitude test practice, aptitude test tips and test-taking strategies.

We certainly hope you get maximum value from our free psychometric test practice resources!  Psychometric test practice works best when it’s specific to the test type and the level of difficulty of the psychometric test you will be taking.

Graduate Assessment designs for aptitude

Our first point is that a well-designed selection procedure focuses on predicting a graduate’s competency within a particular work context.

Secondly, that psychometric assessments only form one part of the selection procedure.

Our third point is that personality assessments can give an indication of how well an individual applicant will fit into the existing workplace or team.

Finally, psychometric assessments can assess which applicants are most suited to the demands of the vacant job in terms of both ability and personality factors.

Graduate tests

Graduate Internships Tips

Many graduate jobs require work experience. But how do you get experience if you’re straight out of University? One way is to get an internship. In other words a temporary job ‘learning the ropes’ within a chosen profession.

While sometimes these internships are paid – especially in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) sectors – often they’re not. For example, it is not uncommon for those who want to work in the media to undertake several unpaid internships before getting a paid job.

First internship written on a notepad.

Graduate startup opportunities

There are many graduate startup opportunities currently – especially in and around London. No longer do graduate managerial training schemes need to be the first step on a specific career path.

Here are some of the typical graduate job decisions around graduate startup opportunities:

Do I work for a startup or a corporate?

Startup and corporate compant cultures are very different.

The corporate world brings advantages from stability. But disadvantages fro their being less autonomony and more centralised decision-making.

Whereas start-ups are more innovative and Most start-ups apply agile working practices Graduates with a more adaptable mindset and who have strong creative thinking skills are more likely to feel comfortable here.

  • What is the typical graduate looking for in the first job?
  • How do graduate job choices reflect their degree subjects?
  • Graduate Job Outcomes

Our other psychometric test design specialities

Next generation assessment Design  ~ Sift Design ~ School Entrance Test Design ~ Skills Assessment designs ~ Leadership assessment designs ~ cyber security assessment designs.

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