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Rob Williams

Our Founder, Rob Williams, worked with the MOD designing many Army Officer psychometric test and Army soldier aptitude tests.

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Army Psychometric Test Tips

Psychometric tests have come to supplement or replace the traditional interview. There are many advantages to using psychometric tests as a sift for selection purposes in place of an inherently biased selection interview process. Once again, psychometric test relies upon a solid foundation of following best practice in psychometric test use.

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    Know the most common psychometric tests

    Companies use pre-employment assessments to identify which candidates are most likely to perform well on the job, potentially saving time and cost in the recruitment process and decreasing employee turnover.

    Skills tests verify whether a candidate has the skills they say they have and are specific to the job – for example a design challenge using Photoshop for graphic designers or a proof reading exam for editors. Aptitude tests are more general and evaluate an applicant’s ability to learn new skills and indicate how they may react to different situations once hired.

    – – – Psychometric Test Tips – – –

    The most commonly used aptitude tests measure numerical, verbal and logical reasoning, though personality-based psychometric questionnaires are becoming increasingly popular and are used by companies you wouldn’t necessarily expect.

    Employers may ask you to take a test – often delivered online at home – after you’ve made an initial application or may invite you to an assessment centre after a successful interview.

    Passing numerical reasoning tests

    There aren’t any quick wins for being good at maths but some focussed practice will improve your score, as will following a few test-taking strategies.

    As a timed assessment, you need to average around one minute per question. Work briskly but accurately. Each question counts the same so pick off the easy ones first and don’t waste your test time on the most difficult questions.

    – – – Psychometric Test Pass Marks – – –

    Numerical reasoning test practice is an excellent means of brushing-up on any maths functions you haven’t used in a while. Ensure that you are comfortable using data tables, interpreting graphs and manipulating large financial figures.