Welcome to our free self assessment tool. This is aimed at any manager who wants to improve their management skills. Typically known as managerial competencies.

Generic Management Skills/Competence review

This short questionnaire is designed to assess your own perception of your competence in some generic management skills. The aim is to enhance your self awareness and provide further focus on what you wish to develop during the next twelve months.

Firstly, think about each statement/competency area and rate yourself using the following five-point scale:

1. Not competent

2. Some competence

3. Fairly competent

4. Very competent

5. Extremely competent

Secondly, think about the job you would like next. Take each statement in turn and rate how important these are for success in that role using the following five-point scale:

1. Not important

2. Some importance

3. Fairly important

4. Very important

5. Extremely important

Competence DescriptionCompetence Review Job Importance Review
Prioritising your development 1234512345
Managing time effectively 1234512345
Building a sense of team 1234512345
Presentation skills 1234512345
Leading and facilitating meetings 1234512345
Influencing and negotiating 1234512345
Handling conflict 1234512345
Building relationships 1234512345
Coaching others 1234512345
Assisting staff to set goals and objectives1234512345
Giving constructive feedback 1234512345
Understanding motivation 1234512345
Asking for feedback 1234512345
Managing budgets 1234512345
Effective delegation 1234512345
Managing change 1234512345
Effectively manage project teams 1234512345
Managing disciplinary/grievance 1234512345
Understanding of health and safety regulations1234512345
Understanding equality and diversity issues1234512345

Now answer the following questions:

1. What key strengths have I identified from the Competence review?

2. What are the most important areas identified in the Job Importance review?

3.  What weaknesses have I identified from the Competence review?

4. What are the least important areas identified in the Job Importance review?

5. Are there any significant differences between the Competence review and the Job Importance review?

6. What are my priority areas for development based on this information?