Welcome to our Emotional Intelligence Self-Questionnaire

Emotional Intelligence Self-Questionnaire

Award yourself points against core EQ workplace competencies:

Scoring Key

Score 1 for Strongly Disagree

2 for Disagree

3 for Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 for Agree

5 for Strongly Agree

EI Questions

Q1 – I am confident in my ability to perform in my role

Q2 – I am always trying to better understand my strengths and development areas

Q3 – I am sensitive to and care about the feelings of those I work with

Q4 – Colleagues would describe me as calm and composed during times of stress

Q5 – I am in control of the success of my career

Q6 – I work purposefully towards the goals I have set and am not easily distracted

Q7 – I am easily able to flex and adapt my behaviour during times of organisational change

Q8 – I have the social skills to connect with a diverse group of colleagues

Q9 – I take advantage of opportunities while also managing risks

Q10 – I bounce back easily after a stressful event

Q11 – I remain both assertive and diplomatic in conflict situations

Q12 – I emphasise the contributions of others in my team

Your score: . . . . . ./60

46 – 60
Socially Agile
You are an individual who has mastered your own emotions. You are able to easily empathise with others and demonstrate this with your ability to connect, influence and build rapport with others instantaneously

31 – 45
Smooth Operator
You have a strong self-awareness and are able to develop successful self-regulation strategies. This is coupled with a strong level of social awareness, which is used to influence and manage relationships with others effectively

16 – 30
Lone Wolf
You have a good level of self-awareness and an ability to manage emotions. However, individuals in this category may be more likely to think and act from their own perspective rather than managing the needs of others

0 – 15
Emotionally Oblivious
You have poor self-awareness and no real engagement with your own emotions. Your emotions may well have a large influence over your behaviour due to lack of self-regulation, but you may be oblivious to this. You may find it difficult to empathise with others

Emotional Intelligence Intro

If change and challenge is inevitable and going to happen anyway, what can we do about it? What is the bit within our control? Our starting point for understanding this is the concept of emotional intelligence, for the simple reason that handling our emotions intelligently is how we successfully deal with change and increase our resilience.

In other words, we can learn to recognise and have more control in overriding our initial emotional reactions to change and life’s other challenges to enable – or empower- us to behave in ways that help, not hinder us. Which may be the opposite of what we actually want to do at the time. Therein lies the paradox – and the challenge. We can only control what we are aware of, so increasing our awareness increases the potential for control.