We are experts in all psychometric test designs. Hence, Rob Williams Assessment offer all types of practice psychometric test resources.
Our CAT4 psychometric test design
FREE CAT4 practice tests for the entire CAT4 age range
CAT4 Practice Tests and FREE Sample CAT4 tests samples
CAT 4 test practice and recommended CAT4 practice tests.
CAT4 sample tests and cat4 practice tests.
Mosaic’s free CAT4 skills resources
- CAT4 verbal reasoning test practice
- Practice Quantitative reasoning CAT4 skills
- CAT4 non-verbal reasoning test practice
- Practice CAT 4 spatial reasoning skills.
Our FREE CAT4 Practice Test Guides for each school age group:
- Firstly, our CAT4 practice tests for Year 4
- Secondly, our CAT 4 test practice for Year 5.
- Thirdly, our CAT4 practice tests for Year 6.
- And then, our CAT 4 test practice for Year 7.
- Plus also, our cat4 practice tests for Year 8.
- Next, our CAT4 test practice for Year 9.
- Also, our CAT 4 practice tests for Year 10.
- Finally, our CAT4 test practice for Year 11.
CAT4 query, CAT4 issue or CAT4 problem?

Then you can our CAT4 test design expert.
Rob has worked for all three of the main school entrance test publishers: GL CAT4 test publisher; ISEB school entry test publisher and for the CEM school entrance test publisher.
Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the CAT4.